Being a really low funds vaporizer I used to be not anticipating a lot. I believe my shock was that the vapor was not horrible on the decrease temperatures. Something beneath 392 °F was surprisingly good. This vapor shouldn’t be going to check to something just like the Mighty or Firefly 2+ , however in case you want one thing that does the trick and simply want one thing for an evening time or as soon as a day session and you aren’t going to be vaping on the excessive temperatures, by all means, it’s a winner.
Within the 392 °F plus vary the vaporizer and vapor will get a tad scorching and also you get that burnt popcorn style out of your herb.
From a completely packed chamber you may get about 11 high quality hits. Round hit 7 or 8 the herb begins to style somewhat spent. And a single cost offers you about the identical in a lot of classes; Round 10.
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